iPad supplies!!
A number of resellers have been notified that iPad supplies are currently constrained and that they don't know when it will be available!
Q: What's the overall picture for how this works?
A: The trick is to connect a capture device and a USB mouse/keyboard device to the PS3. The capture device sends video data to the PC, and the USB keyboard/mouse sends the button presses. On the PC itself, you run a custom build of everyAir which understands custom gestures and pipes the input to the PC which then sends it to the PS3 via the input interpreter.
Q: What were some of the hurdles?
A: There are two problems to solve: sending the video signal to the iOS device and sending back input from the iOS device. Sending the video signal is solved by using an off the shelf capture device, and then sending back the input is a combination of a custom build of everyAir with an off the shelf mouse/keyboard device that connects to the PS3.
Q: How do you send input to the PS3?
A: Using one of those USB Keyboard/Mouse devices. For example, Eagle Eye (search for it on Amazon).
Q: How do you get the video signal from the PS3 to the iOS device?
A: We do this by using an off the shelf capture device. The capture device connects to the PC, TV, and to the PS3. The result is that a livestream of the PS3's video signal ends up on the PC.
Q: How do you connect to the PC from the iOS device?
A: Using everyAir - our remote desktop application.
Q: How does everyAir understand the game gestures?
A: We're using a custom build of everyAir, and it's hardcoded to understand these gestures. Additionally, it knows how to pipe input to the mouse/kb device in a way that it expects.
Q: Will this be publicly available?
A: We plan to release a fully customizable version at some point in the future.
It’s also almost guaranteed that we’ll see the next version of iOS (number 5 in all likelihood, along with its SDK for devs), and an expansion of Apple’s cloud services (that part is a little… foggy right now). Of course, that will perfectly set up Apple’s announcement of the iPhone 5 in June, which is when iPad owners can likely expect to be using the new software. Regardless, we’ll have the goods come next week, so stay tuned!While there has been no word on new features in iOS 5 yet, a revamped notification system is said to be in works, and will be introduced with iOS 5.
What's the cause of the switch? Well our sources weren't crystal clear on the exact reasons, but the gist of what was explained to us centered around vague "engineering issues" which may have forced some changes at the eleventh hour. It's worth noting once again that these sources have been dead right on specific Apple plans and specifications for unannounced products in the past, and we have no reason to believe these changes are due to anything more than legitimate engineering decisions made close to launch.According to the floating rumors, it's expected to see a thinner iPad, 512MB RAM, more powerful CPU with A5 processor, front camera and more. In the same event, it's rumored to see a preview for iOS 5 for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, and releasing for iOS 4.3 GM (Gold Master).
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