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Redsn0w 0.9.6rc7 Released ! Brings One-click Tethered iOS 4.2.1 Boot !

The iPhone Dev Team has just released a new version of Redsn0w with one-click tethered iOS 4.2.1 jailbeak boot support. Redsn0w 0.9.6rc7 includes “one-click tethered boot” support for those of you running the tethered 4.2.1 jailbreak.

With Redsn0w 0.9.6rc7, you can use command-line arguments so you can now bypass the screens you’d normally see as you use redsn0w to “Just boot tethered for now” when your device is rebooted.

Here's the update from the official blog:
We've updated redsn0w to include "one-click" support for those of you
running the tethered 4.2.1 jailbreak. Using command-line arguments,
you can now bypass the screens you'd normally see as you use redsn0w
to "Just boot tethered for now".

The available command line arguments are:

-j to ask redsn0w to "Just boot now"
-i to specify your reference IPSW
-o for old-bootrom iPod touch 2G and iPhone 3GS
to specify your own boot logo png

For example, to get redsn0w for Mac to do a tethered boot of an iPod touch 4G jailbroken at 4.2.1:

open ~/Desktop/redsn0w.app --args -j -i ~/Desktop/iPod4,1_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw

This assumes both redsn0w and the IPSW are on your OS X desktop, so
modify as necessary! Included in the zip is an example script file
that you can double click on to launch redsn0w like this (the Windows
example assumes everything is in C:\). (Mac users: please remember to
change the permissions of your custom *.command files to allow

This should help ease the pain of the tethered jailbreak until @comex
comes up with a 4.2.1 untether (or for those of you with legit access
to the 4.2b3 IPSW, until the "Jailbreak Monte" untether is out of

- Make sure you're using a USB 2.0 port
Please note that the iPhone Dev Team is working on untethering iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak so you don't need to connect your iOS device everytime it reboots. They are have released Redsn0w 0.9.7 beta for Mac OS X, you can try the latest release of this beta but you need iOS 4.2 beta 3 hashes and IPSW file.

UPDATE : Here's the full step by step guide to Boot your Tethered Jailbroken iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (Windows & Mac) Click Here.

Download Redsn0w 0.9.6rc7 for Windows
Download Redsn0w 0.9.6rc7 for Mac OS X
Download iOS 4.2.1 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
Download iTunes 10.1 for Windows and Mac OS X

Greenpois0n RC5 to Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 Soon

Apparently, we are close from the release of a new version of Greenpois0n to support iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak on iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch 4G, 3G and iPad. Joshua Hill, the hacker behind Greenpois0n jailbreak (Chronic dev-team) has confirmed this on his twitter.

iPhoneHelpr asking: I think the available latest build from the GP site is rc3_3
p0sixninja (Joshua Hill) replying: yea, at this point in time rc5 is right around the corner so we're just pressing ahead to get it out asap
Unfortunately, Greenpois0n RC5 will be tethered jailbreak for a while due to lack of time, Greenpois0n was scheduled to be release by the new year day but some more kernel patches in sandbox have to be applied, therefore, it has been delayed from its first targeted timeline.
rockybsr08 asking: I should clarify. Is it untethered on all devices?
p0sixninja (Joshua Hill) replying: no, i've been too busy working on updating it I haven't had much time to work on exploits. I'm only human!
In the above quoted text sections, it is expected to see the tethered Greenpois0n within few days then it will be followed the untethered one when they got the enough time for that. Stay tuned.

Apple: iPhone Alarms Bug in 2011 Will be Solved by January 3

Couple of days we have reported you about the new Apple's bug on iOS 4.2.1. As you know, this bug caused an error with your iPhone as the alarm clock won't work with the arrival of the new year 2011 (where ever you are). Now Apple has just officially confirmed the existence of the bug and mentioned that it will be ended by January 3.

Apple spokesperson: We're aware of an issue related to non repeating alarms set for January 1 or 2. Customers can set recurring alarms for those dates and all alarms will work properly beginning January 3."
Certainly, Apple will fix this bug on the upcoming iOS version. For now, if you want to fix this bug manually now you can follow the few easy steps posted here, otherwise it will be fixed itself by January 3. [via iPhoneitalia]

Save iOS 4.2.1 IPSW File and SHSH if You Want Untethered Jailbreak on iOS 4.3 for All iDevcies

Three weeks ago, we told you about the untethered jailbreak from Comex on iOS 4.2.1 for all iDevices which was scheduled to release by Christmas, but due to some issues Comex was not able to finish his job. So the iPhone Dev-Team had an alternative plan which is the "back up plan" using an old firmware iOS 4.2b3, but this firmware caused some piracy issues, as it's not available for public, it's only available for developers.

L0ung3f1Y asking: @comex or freakin release a jailbreak that does not require 4.2b3
MuscleNerd replying: So if @comex were to develop 4.2.1 untether, we warn all to save their 4.2.1 IPSWs for 4.3 untether via Monte
So, if Comex releases the untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 then you will need to preserve your iOS 4.2.1 IPSW and hashes to be able to get untethered jailbreak for the upcoming iOS 4.3

More explanation ? iOS 4.2.1 Redsn0w jailbreak  is based on Limera1n bootrom exploit by Geohot, but this exploit can't make untethered jailbreak itself, it needs some help to make untethered jailbreak which is a kernel hack, This is precisely what Comex wants to get.

While we are able to jailbreak all our iOS devices using Redsn0w 0.9.7, the dev-team may preserve the new Comex's kernel hack to untethered jailbreak all upcoming iOS for all iDevices, so you have to save the iOS 4.2.1 IPSW file and its hashes to enjoy untethered jailbreak as long as possible. [BlogsDNA]

Hackulous: Mac App Store Hacked using Kickback !

Though the Mac App store is not even launched, yet there's already a program that'll let you install pirated apps on your Mac OS X. Hackulous, the picaresque pirates best known for plundering Apple's DRM and capturing unprotected software for iPhone, iPod and iPad, last week unleashed an onslaught of updates, including cracking software for the much-anticipated Mac App Store and a "reverse BitTorrent" for jailbroken devices that aims to increase availability of cracked apps across the Web.

According to report over TorrentFreak, a new product from Hackulous called "Kickback" aims to slash DRM from products available in the Mac App Store so that Hackulous can offer the same kind of free download service for the Mac as it currently provides for iOS devices.

Though, don't expect Kickback right away. The developers says that they won't release it until Mac App Store is opened on January 6th and fully shocked with apps!
We don’t want to release kickback as soon as the [Mac App] Store gets released. I have a few reasons for that,

Most of the applications that go on the Mac App Store [in the first instance] will be decent, they’ll be pretty good. Apple isn’t going to put crap on the App Store as soon as it gets released. It’ll probably take months for the App Store to actually have a bunch of crappy applications and when we feel that it has a lot of crap in it, we’ll probably release Kickback,

So we’re not going to release Kickback until well after the store’s been established, well after developers have gotten their applications up. We don’t want to devalue applications and frustrate developers,
[TorrentFreak, via PCMag]

Disclaimer: We on iphone4jailbreak.cc don't encourage apps piracy. We also encourage you to BUY apps from the iTunes Store and don't use this products when it's out.

10 Amazing Uses of the New Facebook Profile [GALLERY]

We already knew that Facebook has updated profile pages of all users. We also already saw a really-cool hack allows you to make recreate your new Facebook profile.

Some Facebook users are showing of some serious creative uses of the new Facebook profile layout. The first one to do that was the French artist Alexandre Oudin, then followed by a number of Facebook users who may made much better layouts.

Have a look through the below gallery of 10 of the best new Facebook profile pictures hacks and feel free to share any cool creations in the comments below.
The French artist credited for starting the craze, Oudin's Magritte-inspired profile puts the "fun" in the new Facebook.

Antony Legrand's illustrated example shows you don't have to use photographs to create a memorable profile page.

This Florida-based company uses a Facebook profile as its business Page, but still knows how to have fun with the design.

Jason Keiter has used food as the inspiration for his pic hack. Now that's what we call a "decent portion."

Jayden Tan takes the face-hack idea a step further by adding extra images for even greater impact.

The sweetest offering of the lot, this profile creates a tender portrait using a photo montage.

Ouri Stopek's playful profile features lasers firing across the screen. Pew-pew!

Nic Refauh is a VP of creative at McCann Digital. He's certainly put his creative skills to good use on his Facebook profile page.

Pac-Man, the perennial geek favorite, has invaded Thibaut Le Brasseur's profile page to great effect.

We've saved our favorite for last with Jon Yang's genius use of the format. Now that's a slam dunk!
[via Mashable]