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Kickback case for iPhone 4!

This case has a built-in stand capable of holding the iPhone in landscape orientation!

Steve Jobs To Put In Surprise Appearance At Apple Event Tomorrow?

We hope you have a pinch of salt handy, but today AllThingsD is reporting that Apple CEO Steve Jobs is ‘considering’ putting in a surprise appearance at tomorrow’s iPad 2 event.

Today's Wallpapers!

Here are some wallpapers which I hope you will like!

iPhone 4 case with Built-in stand!

The ZeroChroma Teatro for iPhone 4 is a case that can rotate and prop up the iPhone in both portrait and landscape orientation.

iPad supplies!!

A number of resellers have been notified that iPad supplies are currently constrained and that they don't know when it will be available!

Today's Wallpapers!

Here are some wallpapers which I hope you will like!

The look of the iPad 2G!

The iPad 2 event is so near and people are getting crazy about it!
And rumors are of all kinds, an image of the back of iPad 2G was found!


Apple executives discuss targeting low-end smartphone, high-growth tablet markets!

Apple's best guy is considering to move back?!?

The Apple designer Jonathan Ive and the Apple's board of directors are at an impasse about his future reports The Sunday Times!

White iPad 2 to be launched?!

It looks like the new iPad could come in WHITE!!
It seems strange as Apple couldn't release a white iPhone 4!

iPhone Unlock for 3.10.01 and 2.10.04 baseband!

MuscleNerd of iPhone Dev-Team has confirmed that unlock for iPhone 4 on newer basebands will not be released until Apple drops iOS 4.3 to public.

Wake Up!!

Everyone has trouble getting up in the morning!

No need to worry about waking up anymore, this new application is a new alarm which uses decibel measuring instrument.
And you simply have to shout loudly to turn off the alarm!

To get the app, click here!

From your iPhone's camera to Dropbox!

DropPhox is an application which provides an easy solution to take pictures and videos on your iPhone.

You can instantly upload your pictures and videos to Dropbox. The application's tagline is "Snap and send to Dropbox".
The app will create a folder in your Dropbox to save photos and videos shot. By default, the path is /DropPhox.

You can edit the date format (International, US, Japan), choose the photo size and select the badges you'd like to see on the homescreen and tab bar. The photos will mostly be resized to 600x800.

With DropPhox you just have to open the app and start shooting, the queue will upload them to Dropbox in the background. And you just have to tap on an additional "Use" button to send stuff to Dropbox.

To get DropPhox, click here!

An event at the same time as the iPad 2 launch!

The BBC (British Broadcasting Company) is holding an event on Wednesday March 2nd at 6pm GMT, which is at the same time of the Apple iPad 2 launch event! Are they linked!

It could be a coincidence, but BBC event will host an Apple fan, Stephen Fry. Fry was one of the first people to get their hands on the original iPad last year, so it all makes sense!

Moreover, an engineer working on the project for the BBC tweeted the BBC app Will take advantage of the higher-res screen that the iPad 2 has got. HD content will look good.

GeoHot being sued!! (Video)

George Hotz or as we all know it "Geohot" , the hacker of the iPhone and PlayStation 3, is on the Alyona show!

Geohot is currently being sued by Sony Computer Entertainment of America, SCEA, for jailbreaking.

Check the video below!

iPhone surviving dirt, water, shock and everything!! (Video)

What's better than watching someone destroying an iPhone!

LifeProof ,which is a company making iPhone cases that withstand all kinds of weather, just made a mess to an iPhone to prove their cases can protect against whatever gets thrown at it. This happened at a presentation at Launch Conference in San Francisco.

The case is bit expensive, costing $69.95, but LifeProof says that replacing the iPhone completely is much more expensive, which is true!

Here is the video showing how the iPhone gets so messed up, the show starts after a minute and hafl!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 To Be Announced Next Week

Yes you read that right ! The countdown to the next in the award winning Call of Duty series has begun! The developers behind Call of Duty, Activision, has started sending out dogtagswhich has the URL www.findmakarov.com printed on it.

Navigation to this URL brings up a countdown timer, which is set to expire in just under 5 days time.

This according to CrunchGear will lead to the announcement of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (unconfirmed title).

The last title in Call of Duty series was Black Ops, which was released in 2010 and smashed all time sales records.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was released back in 2009.
via (redmondpie)

Play PS3 Games on iDevices

New hackers and developers called "pandaelf" was able to find a way to play PS3 Games on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. With a little wrangling of simple hardware and everyAir, the developers have successfully made it possible to play PS3 games on any iOS device.

Q: What's the overall picture for how this works?
A: The trick is to connect a capture device and a USB mouse/keyboard device to the PS3. The capture device sends video data to the PC, and the USB keyboard/mouse sends the button presses. On the PC itself, you run a custom build of everyAir which understands custom gestures and pipes the input to the PC which then sends it to the PS3 via the input interpreter.

Q: What were some of the hurdles?
A: There are two problems to solve: sending the video signal to the iOS device and sending back input from the iOS device. Sending the video signal is solved by using an off the shelf capture device, and then sending back the input is a combination of a custom build of everyAir with an off the shelf mouse/keyboard device that connects to the PS3.

Q: How do you send input to the PS3?
A: Using one of those USB Keyboard/Mouse devices. For example, Eagle Eye (search for it on Amazon).

Q: How do you get the video signal from the PS3 to the iOS device?
A: We do this by using an off the shelf capture device. The capture device connects to the PC, TV, and to the PS3. The result is that a livestream of the PS3's video signal ends up on the PC.

Q: How do you connect to the PC from the iOS device?
A: Using everyAir - our remote desktop application.

Q: How does everyAir understand the game gestures?
A: We're using a custom build of everyAir, and it's hardcoded to understand these gestures. Additionally, it knows how to pipe input to the mouse/kb device in a way that it expects.

Q: Will this be publicly available?
A: We plan to release a fully customizable version at some point in the future.
As you read on the above quotation, till now there is no ETA for this cool idea, as usual I will let you informed with any updates, stay tuned. [via GadgetsDNA & pandaelves]

iPhone 5 with a larger screen and thinner bezel!

iDealsChina has posted an image of the front bezel of the iPhone 5!

China's 1st iPhone 5 photo has surfaced! From this photo it seems that the screen size will be larger than iPhone 4. There has been a lot of speculation about a larger screen and maybe this will be one of the upgrades we will see when iPhone 5 is released this summer.

The screen looks like it'll have an edge to edge screen as well as a larger than 4" screen.

Apple to Preview iOS 5 for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch on March 2nd – Report

According to sources close to Engadget, Apple is going to show off an early preview version of iOS 5 at the iPad 2 media event, which is going to be held on Wednesday, March 2nd, at the famous Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco.

iOS 5
It’s also almost guaranteed that we’ll see the next version of iOS (number 5 in all likelihood, along with its SDK for devs), and an expansion of Apple’s cloud services (that part is a little… foggy right now). Of course, that will perfectly set up Apple’s announcement of the iPhone 5 in June, which is when iPad owners can likely expect to be using the new software. Regardless, we’ll have the goods come next week, so stay tuned!
While there has been no word on new features in iOS 5 yet, a revamped notification system is said to be in works, and will be introduced with iOS 5.
Apple is expected to release iOS 5 with the next-gen iPhone 5 in summer this year.

Hands-On with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion [VIDEOS]

Not a registered Mac developer but still want to see some of the new features of OS X 10.7 Lion in action? The guys over at RazorianFly have spied a couple of YouTube videos of the new developer build, running on what appears to be some sort of MacBook Pro.

The two videos show new toys such as Launchpad as well as the new Finder. The iOS rubber-band affect is in full effect too, with lists in Finder acting just like they do in iOS devices, which adds a certain something to boring lists of files!
Also worth noting is how fluid the interface is already. Considering this is the first build to come out of Cupertino, it is impressive just how well Lion runs on the existing hardware. It certainly bodes well for a nice, slick OS when 10.7 ships.
Hit the videos for the scoop if like us, you just can’t wait until the next of the big cats arrives in stores this Summer.

Last Minute Engineering Issues Led Apple To Pull Retina Display From iPad 2

According to Engaget, an "engineering issues" have led Apple to make last-minute design changes to iPad 2, these changes will cause to launch iPad 2 which scheduled to see the light by March 2nd without a Retina Display :(

What's the cause of the switch? Well our sources weren't crystal clear on the exact reasons, but the gist of what was explained to us centered around vague "engineering issues" which may have forced some changes at the eleventh hour. It's worth noting once again that these sources have been dead right on specific Apple plans and specifications for unannounced products in the past, and we have no reason to believe these changes are due to anything more than legitimate engineering decisions made close to launch.
According to the floating rumors, it's expected to see a thinner iPad, 512MB RAM, more powerful CPU with A5 processor, front camera and more. In the same event, it's rumored to see a preview for iOS 5 for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, and releasing for iOS 4.3 GM (Gold Master).

iPhone, iPad, iPod TIPS!

Removing album artwork from the iPhone lockscreen when playing music
Conserving iPhone data usage!

FIRST starting with the album artwork.

These steps will show you how to do this on a Windows-based machine, but there are similar SSH tools for Mac users as well.
First, download WinSCP and make sure you have OpenSSH installed on your jailbroken iPhone.
Your device should be connected to the same WiFi network as your PC for SSH purposes.

Now follow these steps.

  1. Make sure SSH is turned ON from your iDevice, you can turn it On or Off via SBSettings toggle if installed.
  2. Start WinSCP. While loading it, you'll be asked to input the IP address, login and password for the device you're attempting to SSH into. To find the IP address of your iPhone, go into the settings app under WiFi and select the network you're connected to. The default login/password will be root/alpine unless you've changed it manually!
  3. Once you've successfully SSH'd into the device, navigate to /System/Library/SpringBoardPlugins and locate the folder titles NowPlayingArtLockscreen.bundle. Rename this folder to NowPlayingArtLockscreen.bundle.backup   
  4. Respring your iDevice to see the changes take effect.

That's it! No more seeing album art displayed on the lockscreen when music or podcasts are playing!

P.S.: To cut out the need for a PC or Mac install iFile on your iPhone or iPod Touch. It will allow you to navigate the iOS file system and make changes to files or folders, among other things. To make changes using iFile, just launch the app and navigate to the path mentioned in the third step to make the appropriate changes to the required folder.
iFile is available in the Cydia Store.

SECOND Conserving your iPhone Data Usage.

If you have a limited 3G data on your iPhone or iPad, and you're getting a message that you've used most of your data for the month and you still got weeks before the next billing cycle. Overage charges are one of the most expensive items a carrier can bill you!

The first thing you need to do is to track how much data you are actually consuming, surely the carrier is the only 100% accurate thing at tracking, but if you wanna know a general idea you can use the iPhone's built-in data usage monitor.

To check your data usage do this:

  • Launch Settings
  • Tap General
  • Tap Usage
  • Scroll down to Cellular Network Data
If you use Tether Data, make sure to include that in your calculation.
Set an alarm to remind you to tap Reset Statistics at the beginning of each billing cycle so you have a better idea how much data you're using during the current month.

The media streaming, like videos, are the biggest consumers of cellular data, so you better wait until you're on WiFi to feed it.
These are other stuff which you better avoid:
  • Anything that streams.
  • Online gaming, graphics are costing you data!
  • Google Maps
  • App Store, even though apps are capped at 20MB for cellular data, but start downloading a bunch of 20MB apps and you'll feel the pain!

Once you've got streaming under control, conserving data becomes pretty much about how to turn off setting or shut downs apps which uses data like the ones running in the background.
  • Turn off push email and switch to fetching email in manual mode. Go to Settings:Mail, Contacts, Calendar:Fetch New Data and set it to Manually.

  • Turn Off push notifications. Go to Settings: Notifications and set them to off.

  • Turn Off Cellular Data unless you really need it, this will prevent anything from running in the background. Go to Settings:Cellular Data and turn it Off.

SMS/Texting doesn't use data, but MMS and Visual Voice Mail use data to transmit pictures, videos and audio, so never use them if you're close to your limit!

Finally, you better upgrade your data to a bigger data plan. If you're constantly getting billed for extra data every month, so be realistic and upgrade it!

by tipb

Today's Wallpapers!

Here are some wallpapers, which I hope you'll like! =)

APPS for iDevices!!

This is a pick of few interesting and notable and awesome Apps to share with you!

It brings a super-secret early Easter present!

SpeechTrans Ultimate Powered By Nuance
Speak and understand many languages in seconds, and even have a Facebook

Budget Planner Lite
It helps you forecast your balance on a calendar and sync your budget between your family, friends and partners on iPhone, iPod and iPad.

GoodReader for iPhone and iPad
Improved versions

Creates special contact entries for different groups, in your address. Updated with improved compatibility with Exchange, MobileMe and other mail servers.

Previously Facepad, this Facebook app for iPad now has a photo uploader and new page designs

Sand Slides
Such an addictive puzzle games!

Photogene for iPad
Get additional framest uor GO-PRO mode (extra tools) via in-app purchase.

2Do: Tasks Done in Style
Updates give recurring tasks the option to have an end date and priority mapping with Toodledo has been revised.

Previously myWireless, this app supports both wireless and AT&T U-verse account management.

To get the Apps, click on their names!


Joyeux Anniversaire Steve Jobs!!

In all languages i know...."Alles Gute zum Geburtstag", "Feliz Cumpleanos", "Buon Compleanno", "Kul Sana Wenta Tayeb", "Salkira Mubarak ho" and surely "Happy Birthday"..

by tipb

Happy 56th Birthday to The Hero Steve!

iOS 4.3 Hitting Golden Master!

iOS 4.3 has hit the golden master stage, with Apple reportedly did finalize the next version of the operating system running the company's iDevices and Apple TV devices.

One of our Apple sources has just informed us that it looks like Apple has finalized the code for its upcoming iOS 4.3 release. The build, we're told, is 8F190 for those keeping track.
reported BGR.

iOs 4.3 may make its public debut within the coming week, most probably at the event scheduled next Wednesday.
The updated version will have new features as personal Wi-Fi hotspot, enhanced support for AirPlay video streaming and a software toggle to set the functionality of the iPad's side switch.

Yerba Buena is being decorated for the iPad event!

The Yerba Buena Center is now being decorated for the event scheduled on March 2nd at 10 a.m!

The building while being prepared. 

The finished display!

Courtesy macrumors